Nail fungus is an infection that usually begins in the hands or feet of the nails causes the nail to thicken and darken. This condition can be very painful and certainly interfere with performance. Essential oils (essential oils) from serai (lemongrass) is a natural remedy that is widely used to treat or remedies of nail fungus treatment.
Lemongrass oil is a natural fungicide that is not toxic so it is safe to use. Lemongrass oil has a pleasant smell and easily found at drug stores or pharmacies remedies.
Fungal diseases are common inhabitants of the tropics, is no exception nail fungus. When you feel that nail treatments at the salon was not enough to maintain healthy nails, and even become brittle nails, nail fungus may have spread the disease.
As fungal diseases generally, toenail fungus can spread to other nails, nails or even contagious to others. This occurred when the patient fungi and other people using the same goods, such as shoes, socks, and nail clippers. Download nail fungus care ebook remedies care
Although not strike quickly, you should watch this to ward off fungal infection. How to maintain your nails always keep it short, dry and clean. It is not advisable to clean your nails with a scraping edge of the nail, because it could lead to the entry of the fungus. If you do a pedicure-menicure, you should use a good salon to avoid the mistakes his fingernails. Get nail fungus forever ebook from here